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Basic H ada 1000 fungsi kegunaanya......

Tadi saya ada menggodek-godek pakcik google sebab nak tahu yang Basic H ni ada 1000 fungsinya... Fuh...!! banyakkan.... google punyer google... dapat lah jumpa senarai kegunaan Basic H ni.. tapi dalam bahasa inggeris yerrr... ( klau nak dalam bahasa malaysia baca sini yer tp cuma sebahagian kecil saja)

BASIC H is organic, biodegradable, phosphate-free, non-toxic, non-irritating, non-magnetic, non-flammable, and safe.
-was developed in co-operation with nature; is concentrated and very economical.
-is a wetting agent, is a surfactant. Surfactants break down the cohesive tension of capillary water.



-does not clean by chemical action; it cleans by physical action. This is what makes BASIC H so unique - - making water wetter and emulsifying grease. These are the two functions of the SHAKLEE CLEANERS: BASIC H, BASIC L. These two actions make them totally different from any other cleaners on the market today.
You will soon determine the proportion required to fit your own particular circumstances and type of water. The following is given as a suggested guide.
BASIC H (t.= teaspoon T.= tablespoon)
1 t. per quart water 2 t. per quart water
1 T. per gallon water 4 T. per gallon water for
exceptionally difficult cleaning jobs.

Basic H Around the Home:


1 teaspoon of Basic H in quart of water or 1 tablespoon Basic H per gallon. Great for woodwork, walls, ceilings, etc.

WINDOWS, MIRRORS, GLASS: To 16 oz. water in a Shaklee spray Unit, add 4 drops Basic H. Spray glass and wipe clean. DO NOT use more than 1 drop per 4 oz. or glass will smear. Will keep all glass from fogging.

DUSTING: To 1 pint water, add 1/4 teaspoon Basic H. Dip sponge or soft cloth in solution and then squeeze dry. Wipe off dust, fingerprints, smudges. Actually nourishes furniture and will not harm finish. Leaves bright non-magnetic surface which won't attract dust. A drop or two of Baby oil added to the mixture add lustre.

POLISHING FURNITURE, PANELING - to 1 quart water, add 1 teaspoon BASIC SHINE. Dip soft cloth in solution; squeeze dry. Clean and polish in one operation - and it's great for both wood and formica.

FLOORS - Mop floor with 1/2 teaspoon per gallon of lukewarm water. Wring mop dry and wipe spots. Leave floor shining without removing wax! To remove deep, imbedded dirt and to strip wax or polish use Basic I (2 oz. to 1 gallon of hot water). Soak and rinse.

PHONOGRAPH RECORDS and CD's - For sharper tones and to keep records dust free longer, clean with a soft cloth dipped in 1 cup water and 5 drops of Basic H. Won't harm records. (2 drops for CD's)

GLUE: - Remove most glue with Basic H directly from the bottle. Then wipe and rinse with water.

BASIC H AS BUG REPELLENT - Rub Basic H on neck, arms, hands and face. Flies, mosquitoes, chiggers and fleas will not bite where Basic H has been applied. KEEP AWAY FROM EYES.

INVISIBLE GLOVE: Apply Basic H full strength. Apply to hands like a lotion and let dry before painting, gardening, polishing shoes, etc. Rinse clean when finished. Also protects your hands when using steel wool.

CLOGGED DRAINS - 1 cup concentrated Basic H dumped in drain every other day and left in drain overnight if possible. Spray plumbing joints with Basic H to get open easier.

SEPTIC TANKS - 2 quarts Basic H if dumped in septic tanks every six moths will keep it open.In the Kitchen:

LETTUCE: Use 2 or 3 drops of Basic H in a bowl of water with lettuce to make it crisp and to help remove pesticides and pollution. Rinse before using.

FISH ODORS: Use 1 T. per quart of water. Works wonders around boats, docks and other 'fishy' areas. Also removed odorous from tools and hands.

FRUITS AND VEGETABLES - Use 1/4 teaspoon Basic H per pint of water to remove residues of grime and poisonous sprays. Scrub potatoes before baking. To crisp lettuce, use 2 or 3 drops in a bowl of water. Basic H is non-toxic, but rinse foods after using before cooking.

ODOR REMOVAL - After dicing onions, garlic, etc., does the scent linger on your hands? Simply rub a few drops of Basic H into your hands, then rinse. For removing odors from a person, pet or clothing, wash in 1 tablespoon Basic H and 1 gallon warm water.

DISHES. - Use 1 teaspoon Basic H and add water full force. Wash glasses, silverware, dishes, pans. Removes grease, food stains easily and rinses cleanly. Leaves no detergent residue on utensils and NO DETERGENT BURN ON YOUR HANDS!

When draining from sink this solution cleans out grease deposits and prevents your drain from clogging. for especially dirty pans, fill with water add a few drops of Basic H and soak.

COFFEE AND TEA - Use half the amount of coffee or tea and 2 drops of Basic H in 8 cup pot. Removes bitterness. Delicious.

POTATOES: - Wash potatoes in Basic H water before boiling for salad. Potatoes peel easier and are cleaner.

BEANS: Soak dry beans in Basic H water (a few drops) and the beans will cook much quicker and beans will be much cleaner.

POPCORN: A drop of Basic H added to popcorn oil in popper before adding corn makes corn pop bigger and better and fewer hulls.

COOKING CHICKEN - Wash in Basic H water (a few drops) and the formaldehyde will be removed.


LAUNDRY: - Hand Washing: What is safe in water is safe in Basic H. Use the solution as given at the beginning of this cleaning guide.

Machine Washing: Put Basic H on organic stains (grass, food, lipstick, etc.) straight and put into the washer. May wish to dampen stain with cold water before adding the Basic H to the spot. Work it in with your fingers or old tooth brush. Stains should be removed as soon as possible. Once a stain is set it is difficult to remove.

LINGERIE: - Use 1 tablespoon Basic H in a basin of water.

LEATHER GOODS: - Use the solution of Basic H. Immerse cloth and wring before wiping over the article.

NYLONS : - Use 1 teaspoon Basic H in a basin of warm water.

IRONING: - Use 4 drops per pint. Use your spray unit as you iron for easier ironing.


Children - Use Basic H on wet washcloth.

CLOTHING - Apply Basic H full strength to stain and leave a few minutes. Then wash off with wet cloth.

WALL AND FURNITURE - Wash with solution: 1 teaspoon Basic H and 1 quart warm water.

GUM AND CANDLE WAX - Apply Basic H directly to the spot. Leave for 10 minutes then lift off. Clean any residue with Basic H on wet cloth.

SPOT CLEANING - Wet the spots. Apply Basic H. Leave for a while then wash off with wet cloth.

SWEATERS, SILKS, ALL FINE FABRICS - For spots, apply Basic H directly and press in with thumb. Immerse garment in solution of 1 teaspoon basic H and 1 gallon of warm water. Let stand for a few minutes, then rinse. Leaves clothing softer, brighter, and will wear longer.

DIAPERS: - for soaking, use 1 teaspoon Basic H and 1 gallon water. Basic H is a NON-RASH cleaner, so use it to launder diapers as well as to bathe baby. He'll love it!

COFFEE, INK, GRASS, CREASE STAINS: Apply Basic H to spot and use toothbrush to rub in (on double knit fabrics, simply rub together). Then rinse or wipe off with damp cloth.


APPLIANCE AND BATHROOM FIXTURES: Use 1/4 teaspoon Basic H and 1 pint water. Leaves refrigerator odor free.

SPRAY CAN 'SNOW': Or poster paint on windows. To remove, use 1/2 teaspoon Basic H and 1 quart warm water.

AIR FILTERS - Use 1 teaspoon to 1 quart of warm water. Air filters are cleaned with excellent results leaving them free from dirt, oil or chemical residue.

HUMIDIFIERS: 3 or 4 drops of Basic H in water will help prevent rust and scum.

BULL DOZER CLEANING SOLUTION: 1 teaspoon Basic H, 2 teaspoons Basic I, 1 tablespoon AT EASE. Fill 8 oz. spray bottle up to neck of bottle, add mixture.

FANTASTIC CLEANER: - Total cost 10 cents per pint. By putting 1/8 cup of Basic L into a 8 oz bottle and add 1 teaspoon Basic H. Ceilings, walls, vinyl upholstery, etc., come bright and clean.

POISON IVY AND POISON OAK: Basic H is excellent for getting rid of Poison Ivy and Oak on the body just after contact. If rubbed on exposed skin PRIOR TO GOING OUT,Basic H will protect against these.

INSECT REPELLENT : Apply full strength to exposed areas. biting insect (mosquitoes, flies, chigger, fleas) will not attack where Basic H has been applied.

SUNBURN - Apply Basic H full strength, immediately.

SHAVING - Wet face with water, apply 1/2 teaspoon of Basic H with brush or hand, make lather.

WASH HANDS - Basic H is balanced to the pH of your skin and smoothes your hands while it cleans! Put a few drops in your palm, add water and rub your hands. Works up a lather which loosens dirt, then rinse off. Removed stains. Leave 4 oz dispenser at every sink in your house.
DENTURES - For overnight soaking use 3 drops of Basic H in glass of water.

EYEGLASSES - Use window solution and wipe dry. Glasses won't fog.

BURNS: Apply Basic H full strength IMMEDIATELY to a burn. Basic H prevents the burn area from blistering, disinfects, eases pain and often there is no scar.

BATH - Use 2 teaspoons in empty tub and add water full force for suds. Cleans thoroughly, gently and safely. Leaves no bathtub ring. Skin feels like velvet. Gals, Basic H has solved an 'itchy leg' problem for many!!

SHOWER - Wet body first. Apply Basic H to wet washcloth and wash. rinses off clean and no residues left in shower stall.

BEFORE SURGERY - Some hospitals use Basic H to remove bacteria from skin before surgery.

SHAMPOO - For really clean hair and scalp, dandruff all gone..add 1 tablespoon Basic H to 3/4 cup of warm water. Apply to scalp and rinse. Repeat application if desired.

WHITE MEMORIAL HOSPITAL - (Los Angeles) is using Basic H exclusively in their pediatrics department, bathing newborn babies with it and all body apparel. No more diaper rash.

CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITIES: Use Basic H in their labs for cleaning test tubes. No more residue magnetism.

ALLERGIES - Most people with allergies can use Basic H with no ill effects.


- use Basic H as follows: in a large drum with a faucet, add 30 gallons of water, 1 quart of Basic H.


PAINTING AND DYEING - Apply full strength to hands and face before painting or dyeing. Paint or dye will wash off easily.

SHOE CLEANER: Use 2 drops on a wet cloth. Will not remove wax. Shine with dry cloth.

FISHING AID: Use a few drops on fish cleaning equipment and your hands. Basic H will keep all odor free and clean, less likely to attract annoying insects.

HUNTING AID: Take a small bottle with you to keep boots and other expensive equipment in good condition. Use Basic H to cleans small game. Removes grease and cleans cooking utensils. It's biodegradable - so it won't pollute the wilderness.

GOLF CLUBS - A teaspoon of Basic H in a 4 oz squeeze bottle filed with water and a brush will clean golf clubs in a jiffy.

BOATS - 1 tablespoon Basic H and 1 quart water will remove algae, scum, odors from boats. Apply with brush.

WASH OUTSIDE WINDOWS, OUTSIDE OF HOUSE - Use an 'Ortho' type sprayer attachment to your hose. Put 1 tablespoon Basic H in the bottle and spray through the screens (without removing). Wash house siding the same way. Remove sprayer attachment; rinse with water full force.

AQUARIUMS - To clean empty tank, use 1 tablespoon Basic h and 1 gallon water. Cleans coral, rocks, etc. rinse well. Leaves no residue to harm fish.

SHARPENING STONES - Moisten stone, add a few drops of Basic H. Won't clog up while in use and will sharpen better. Keep stone moist; add Basic H as needed.

CLEAN PAINT BRUSHES: Soak old paint brushes in a can of water and 1 tablespoon of Basic h. Leave 24 hours. Rinse with hot water. If bristles spread out, then soak for a few hours in linseed oil. Be sure to suspend the brush so it won't touch the bottom of the can.

WALLPAPER REMOVER - Add 2 tablespoons Basic H to pail of HOT water. Apply with a swab or mop. Let soak, lift off the paper. Wash any residue with solution of 1 tablespoon Basic H per gallon of water.

NEGATIVES - Use 1 drop of Basic H in 1 quart of water. Helps clean up the dark room as well.

PHOTO LABS - Developing pans and other photo equipment are easily cleaned using a solution of 1/2 teaspoon Basic H per 1 quart of water (warm).

FRYING VATS - Use 1/2 cup Basic H to 3 gallons of water. Boil 5 minutes, stirring constantly. Dissipates stubborn crusts without damage to vats.

SPACECRAFT - Cape Kennedy uses Basic H to clean all equipment. Instruments and all fine lens. Basic H is used on all spacecraft.

PAINT: By using 1 oz Basic H to a gallon of paint, the paint will adhere better and go on easier.

FIRE EXTINGUISHER - Add 1 tablespoon Basic H to 16 oz. spray bottle and fill with water. This makes an inexpensive fire extinguisher. Very effective on grease fires. Carry these in your tool boxes and always have one handy around the kitchen stove. Keep Basic H near the welder.

MACHINERY - Add 1 teaspoon Basic H to 4 oz squeeze bottle, fill with water, and this makes an effective penetrating oil.

SLIDING GLASS DOORS OR SQUEAKING DOORS - "Oil " squeaking door or sliding glass door track with Basic H to eliminate squeak.

METAL - All metal washed with Basic H shines easily and leaves few spots.

TYPEWRITERS - Use 1 drop Basic H in 1 quart of water and a soft cloth to clean keys.


CAR WASHING - To 1 gallon of water, add 1 tablespoon Basic H. Easily removes bugs and road grime. Wash small area at a time and hose off. After rinsing, don't wipe the body of the car but DO wipe the chrome and glass parts.

CAR RADIATORS - To help prevent rust and corrosion in your car's radiator, add 1 tablespoon Basic H to the radiator full of water or anti-freeze.

WINDSHIELD WASHING - Add 5 or 6 drops Basic H per quart of water and add to automatic windshield washing jar. In the winter add a little anti-freeze, too.

BATTERY TERMINALS - Use a solution of 1/2 teaspoon Basic H and 1 pint of water. Spray on battery terminals and let soak for two minutes. Cleans off with a wire brush and move solution.

ENGINES - Use 1/2 oz. Basic H to one gallon to clean engine. Will not effect paint, gaskets or insulating material. Beast results can be achieved when the engine is hot for fastest drying of the ignition system.

GAS STATIONS - (Automatic) for 150 gallon water holding tank, mix 2 oz BASIC SHINE, 4 oz BASIC I and 1/2 oz Basic H. Coast is about 1 cent per car.


CONSTRUCTION WORKER - Put Basic H straight on hands before starting work. Rinse at end of the job and you'll be happy how easy the clean-up will be.CONCRETE MIXER - 1 quart Basic H to 5 yards concrete (1 pint to 3 yards). or on the ratio of 1/2 oz to gallon of water in mixing smaller amounts. (Makes concrete spread easier and set harder).

ROAD CONSTRUCTION - Basic H is used for road construction at the ratio of 6 oz basic H per 1000 gallons water for sprinkling roads. Add 1 quart per 1000 gallons to wet road for packing.

GARDENING: (do not spray on blooming plants).

Hands will clean up easier when you are finished with your gardening chores.

Mix 1 tablespoon Basic H to a gallon of water. Pour this in the furrow before dropping in the seed. Close the moist furrow and the seed will soon be sprouting and forming a good root system.

TOMATO PLANTS - Mix 10 to 12 drops of Basic H to 1 pint of water. Spray when sun is down on a cloudy day.

ROSEBUSH SPRAY - Fill the Shaklee 16 oz. Sprayer Unit with water and add 1/2 teaspoon Basic H. Spray for aphids, spiders, mildew, etc. Also will make brushes flourish.

HOUSE PLANTS - Use 2 drops of Basic H to 1 pint of water . Use to wipe down leaves also.

GARDEN AND OUTSIDE PLANTS - don't throw out your Basic H dishwasher! Pour it on your trees, bushes, garden and watch them all spruce up! Basic H contains a special protein which nourishes plant life.

LAWNS - for greener lawns, use 2 tablespoons to an "Ortho" type bottle application for 2 gallon use and spray evenly over lawn.

TRANSPLANTING PLANTS OR SHRUBS - Saturate soil with water to which Basic H has been added at the ratio of 1 teaspoon to a gallon of water.

CABBAGE WORMS - should the cabbage worm come your way, use a teaspoon of Basic H in a pint of water and spray this on, preferably in the evenings, and possibly you may not have to do it again for ten days.

TOMATO APHIDS - Usually this bug is not noticed until leaves start dying on the tomato plant. They have found it very successful to use Basic H as a spray, ten to twelve drops in a pint of water.

SPRAYED IN THE EVENING, one application is sufficient to effect control.

DANDELIONS - 4 tablespoons of Basic H to 5 gallons of water sprayed on dandelions controls them.

WATER STANDING ON GARDEN - Spray Basic H mixture of 1 tablespoon Basic H to a gallon of water. Water will then penetrate soil.

GARDENS, LAWN, ROSEBUSHES, CHIGGERS, FRUIT TREES - 2 tablespoons Basic H to 5 gallons of water for spraying (Mixture can be used heavier if lawn or garden is dormant). (Fruit tress should not be sprayed when in full bloom).


DAIRYING: Add 1 teaspoon Basic H to 2 gallons of water for washing cow's udders, bulk tanks, and all milking equipment. Use this same mixture on your 4-H animals and see their coats shine. For less fly trouble, use 1 part Basic H to 4 parts water as a non-toxic cow spray.

CATTLE AND HOG BARNS - 1 oz of basic H is used in 20 gallons of water in a pressure washer. If the job is really "heavy duty" one or two ounces of Basic H per gallon is used.

BULK MILK TANKS - 1/2 oz. Basic H to a gallon of water for cleaning bulk milk tank.

BULK MILK PIPE LINES - Basic H, 1 oz in 15 gallons hot water used consistently in pipe line will not permit milk stone to form.

FLY SPRAY - Use 1 part Basic H to 4 parts water as a non-toxic cattle spray.

SPRAYING CATTLE WITH INSECTICIDES - Mix 1 quart of Basic H to 100 gallons of water with a little less insecticide than normal. Since wetting action is faster and more complete, less time and solution is needed to do the job.

SPRAYING CATTLE BARNS AND BUILDINGS - Mix 1 quart of Basic H to 100 gallons of water and normal amount of insecticide.


MITES AND LICE ON HOGS AND CHICKENS - 1 oz. of above concentrate (1 quart of Basic H) to 2 gallons of water for spraying. (Should not be used on water fowl).

MANGE ON DOGS - FLEAS ON DOGS AND CATS: 1/2 oz concentrate per gallon of water.


FISHING: A few drops with plenty of water on your hands will make fish cleaning easier. A few drops will clean scales and fish knives with ease. Hands and fishing equipment will be free of fish odor. Bait buckets, tackle box, stringer and reel may be washed with Basic H to keep them fresh and clean.

HUNTING: Use a solution of Basic H to keep boots and other equipment for hunting in tip-top shape (1 teaspoon per quart). Put a small bottle in your knapsack for overnight treks. Cleans small game, fry pan, metal dishes and utensils.

RIVER BATHS - (If weather and water permit) with small amount of Basic H to keep you clean - added to hands and body before dunking. Use full strength on burns and stinging nettle rashes. Use full strength on insect bites. Re-apply as needed.

BOATING: to keep you boat in top condition and to save time and money at season's end, merely clean off the bottom of your boat with sponge dipped in solution of 1 tablespoon of Basic H to a gallon of water. Do this after each use, if possible.

PANS AND DISHES - Put a tablespoon of Basic H in your dishwater. Even pots and pans which have become blackened with smoke from the campfire come clean. Add Basic H as needed remembering that even though suds are not visible, Basic H is still cleaning. Smear Basic H straight on the bottom of griddles and pans before placing over the fire for cooking and the washing will be much easier.

CLOTHING - Everything from dungarees to diapers come basically clean in a solution of 1 tablespoon to a gallon of water. Swimwear will have a longer life if washed in Basic H to get rid of chlorine or lake water scum. Children's toy water equipment (fins and goggles) will be more useable after a Basic H washing.


CAMPING UNITS - Don't forget to include a bottle of Basic H and Basic I in your trailer. Just think of the space you will save by not having a multiple of cleaners.

A jar of AT EASE and a container of BASIC L will go a long way towards cutting travel costs and keeping your holiday clean and fresh.


HUMIDIFIERS - Use 3 or 4 drops in water to prevent rust and scum.

CLEANING HANDS - Put a few drops in the palm, rub thoroughly over both hands. Add a little water. Continue usual rubbing action. add touch more water as needed. rinse. Removes tobacco stains, onion or garlic odors.

CONCENTRATE AND MORTAR - 1/2 oz (1 tablespoon) Basic H in a gallon of water. Makes it spread easier and set firmer.

MACHINERY - add 1 teaspoon Basic H to a 4 oz. squeeze bottle; fill with water. This makes an effective penetrating oil. (Use spray bottle).

PENETRATING OIL - fill 16 oz. (1 pint) bottle with water. Add 4 teaspoons Basic H. makes an effective penetrating oil.

PRESSURE WASHER - 1 oz. Basic H to 20 gallons water, for washing cattle and hog barn interiors. For heavy duty jobs, use 1 or 2 oz. per gallon of water.

RADIATORS - Use 1 tablespoon Basic H to radiator full of water or anti-freeze. Prevents rust.

banyakkan.... jadi setiap rumah perlu ada Basic H.... jimat masa dan yang paling penting jimat duit.


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